Friday, March 15, 2013

Are you Bloglovin' ?

So... if you haven't heard yet (but seriously, I think everyone has) Google Reader is being shut down (say what now? Yep, it's true).  You can read more about THAT news [here]. Things to note: you have until July 1st, 2013 to use the reader and then *POOF* it's gone!

No worries, everyone is on Bloglovin'. I just made a Bloglovin' account yesterday. It's very simple to sign up too, so that's great. Go make one if you haven't already.  They even have a link all set up and waiting for me to post, nifty--  Follow my blog with Bloglovin  Perfecto!

I'm a noob at Bloglovin, so please let me know how I can follow you back as well. TIA! (Thanks in advance).

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  1. I added GFC to my site. I signed up through Feedly to replace the reader, but I have no idea if it's good or not, so I guess I'll do Bloglovin' also, lol.

  2. I just started Bloglovin', and I'm ok with it so far. I had one blog that didn't want to transfer over for some reason, but other than that, the process was painless!
