Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Random Post

Okay Geeksters.... I've yet again fallen off the Blogger banwagon, even though I did say I would return. If life could just slow down for a little bit, that'd be great, haha!

You can all handle a random post from me, right? Just some thoughts to lay out there........ Here goes:

Spring is in FULLSWING in NJ. The weather is warm...... and pollen is everywhere. Literally.  The flowers are growing in the garden nicely though, so that make me happy!
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Kids are doing the sports thing. The oldest one is doing soccer and the little one is doing gymnastics.
Does it make me a bad mom that I do not have ANY pictures of my kids doing their sports on my iPhone. Like woah!  I'm a little embarassed to be honest....

The oldest child bought himself a Puzz 3D with his birthday money through Amazon (of course I helped him). Remember those puzzles of famous landmarks that weren't flat? Wel, the company discontinued the puzzles awhile ago, but of course you can find anything online these days.....
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This is all we got built so far... I totally forgot how HARD these puzzles are to complete

The husband and I took my brother & sister in law out for their birthday's this past weekend. We ventured down to Atlantic City, NJ for dinner and gambling. Wheel of Fourtune slot machine is my game baby, make no mistake!
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I've been a huge pinaholic lately, so follow me there if ya haven't already!!

See, it's been way random around here............  But please enjoy your day everyone!!!

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  1. I love random posts! :) You have been busy but it all looks like fun.

  2. I love those flowers-- thry look like hearts hanging from a vine!
