Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Doctor Who

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Okay, cue in the Whovians..... where are you guys?

I just started Season 4 (thank you to a friend letting me borrow her Netflix thing) and I'm totally hooked. You don't have to say David Tennant to my twice. He's amazing. And delish looking!

Plus I have to drop a Harry Potter reference when possible

Yep, same guy.  Anyway!!!

Some mini-spoilers if you're not up to where I am in the show: I thought I wasn't going to miss Rose.... she kinda annoyed me a tad in the beginning. Now after seeing two more companions, I SERIOUSLY miss Rose so much it's not even funny. Martha just didn't do it for me. The doctor shows up and just takes her along after knowing her like 5 minutes. Pa-lease. And this "Runaway Bride" woman (Donna) drives me up a wall. Yea I got a little emotional when she got emotional when she heard the Ood Song, but still.......... go back home please... and take your annoying voice with you. Thankyouverymuch.

*side note: i am almost finished with season 4........ and donna grew on me. and i miss her!*

Any Whovians out there want to discuss?

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  1. I have never seen it. Am I missing out?!

  2. I start season 3 tonight! I'm eager to start.
    my friend, who intro'ed me to it, isn't a fan of Martha at all.
    I look forward to meeting the other companions, tho!
    I can't decide who my favorite doctor is right now! I LOVE Matt Smith (current doctor), but Tennant & Eccleston - i loved them, too! Ahh!! Anyway, i can't wait to start!!!

  3. I've heard a lot about it lately, but I haven't seen it. I'll have to check it out! In other news, I too am a geek, who has actually studied Greek, so your title caught my attention :)

  4. @Jamie - yes. Totally missing out.

    Regarding the companions: as much as I love Rose (and she probably is my favorite...maybe), I think Donna and later Amy are the two best companions. First their isn't any underlying romance, which after Rose was a relief. That being said, I like Donna because she didn't tolerate The Doctor's nonsense. She spoke her mind and went with him as a friend...his first (if we are not counting the original).

    In any case, I think each companion brings something new to the Doctor and because of that he changes and grows as a character.

    Enjoy season 4!!

  5. Confession: I started watching with Matt Smith and haven't gone back to watch the older stuff. I keep meaning to...
