Monday, June 17, 2013

Cleaning The Main Bathroom Tub

I've said it before and I'll say it again..... I make my own cleaning products. I just google and see what recipes are out there. Then I pin all the recipes to a Cleaning Board, so they're in a handy place and I can find them right away.

I made this cleaner for tub and shower soap scum in the bathroom. Her pictures were pretty amazing to me so I thought I'd give it a try. My tub sure could use it

FYI the lighting in my bathroom is ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh and my tub is beige in color.

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I sprayed and let it sit on the tub for 45 minutes (I left the bathroom, that stuff'll give you a headache). I came back and wiped the tub down with a wet sponge.

I can see a slight improvement, but I'm actually not impressed with the spray. Not sure if it's because my tub is beige, or because those soap scum stains have been there for way longer than I want to admit (*cough* years *cough* -- P.S. I used to sprinkle Comet on the tub, let it sit for 15 minutes, then turn the shower on and wash it all away.... no scrubbing).

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