Thursday, August 8, 2013

August Blogging Challenge, Day 8

Blogging Challenge

Day 8: Beat the heat! Share a snow related story.

The best time I've had playing in the snow was back in January 2005. It was just my husband and I (we were newly married then). Our son was an infant and he was just not having anything to do with being out in the snow. Since Steven and I were all dressed we just stayed outside while my mom watched the baby indoors. We made a snowman together. Simple, yet one of the best times with Steven.

Don't forget to link up.... anyone can join (you don't have to be a member of the NE Bloggers group). There are challenges everyday in August, so jump on the banwagon! 


  1. Great picture! Every time it has snowed in my whole life, question #1 is: is it sticking? As in, can we make a snowman? Or at least some snowballs? Brooklyn's climate being what it is, the answer is usually No.

    1. I tried to email a response back to you Jen Anderson, but you're a so I cannot :(

      I'm in NJ... you didn't get the blizzard a few years ago like we did? I high snow almost 4 feet high by me and I'm near the ocean (sort of)
